Robert Downey Jr. is getting back to the Wonder Realistic Universe as Specialist Destruction in a new “Justice fighters” film named “Vindicators: Judgment day,” which will be coordinated by Joe and Anthony Russo in their own re-visitation of Wonder. The guiding pair is at hand to rudder two new “Vindicators” film: “Armageddon,” which will present Victor von Destruction/Specialist Destruction, and “Justice fighters: Secret Conflicts.”
While Downey had said in ongoing meetings that he was available to getting back to Wonder, fans normally accepted that implied he would return as Iron Man/Tony Obvious. Downey’s return as the terrible Victor von Destruction comes as a gigantic shock to the being a fan, including the elated crowd at Wonder’s show at San Diego Comic-Con. Downey showed up to Lobby H on Saturday night to uncover his return.